
C'mon, Grammy, C'mon!

    Our just turned 4-year-old granddaughter could be pretty persuasive…. small hand grasping mine, pulling with all her little girl might…coaxing me out of my inert state into whatever play game or activity has captured her young heart — she knows from past experience just what to do to get Grammy out of the […]

On Apples, Smoothies, and Dirty Floors

While sipping my apple/banana/ berry/almond milk and spring greens smoothie…taking a break from my (overdue) very late fall cleaning I was thinking about….dirt. Two things I can say about that which all would agree–1. It is dirty,  and 2. It is never-ending. What I have never appreciated about dirt is that it is not teachable […]

It seems that in our society one of our chief occupations is to find controversy in just about everything.  Case in point, recently in October we celebrated Columbus Day, or at least, many of us did. However, those more politically correct than I, appear to enjoy questioning and reexamining history. They, point out that Columbus […]

I watch way too much television. At least that is what I am told. Actually you learn a lot from television especially from commercials whose job it is to convince us we need something we don’t need because if we really need it we would already have it. On one particular commercial the spokesperson is […]